get clarity on your calling & start a business!

book a 60 minute

clarity coaching call with us

for only $97!

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What will you get on your clarity call?

You’ll get to experience Step 1 of our signature coaching method.

Expect to get clarity on how your unique passions, personality, and giftings point to your purpose, and how you can turn that into a business.

You’ll receive a 13-page printable workbook to help you brainstorm and prepare for the coaching call.

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A recording of our session, a document full of notes, and specific actions steps (homework).

We will personally follow up with you 7 days later to see how your homework went!

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Hi, we’re

Liz & Sara

You might know us from our Podcast, our courses, or one of our group coaching programs. We are dedicated to helping women like you make an impact and an income through Holy Spirit led business.

We’ve coached hundreds of Moms and while we love group coaching, we’re opening up our schedules and offering exclusive 2-on-1 coaching to

Moms just like you who are ready to grow their business!

WhY 2 on 1 Coaching?


get individualized, tactical next steps


Achieve Your Goals Faster through a customized experience


Overcome the obstacles that have been holding you back

Are you ready to Finally get clear on your purpose and Start your dream business?

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Is coaching wtih us FOR YOU?


“The action takers are the money makerS”

Sign Up today &

Get clarity for only $97!

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I was so encouraged by our coaching session yesterday. I enjoy you (Sara) and Liz so much. Y'all are really getting me together. 😆

You both are helping me make sense of the many thoughts in my head, and helping me to get out of my own way...

Thanks so much for doing the work to get where you are now, and making an offer to bless the people. 🙌🏿

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-T. Valentine

What Others

are Saying!

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"My experience with Sara was nothing short of life changing!...

I so appreciate the way Sara listens with empathy. I never felt like she was trying to fix me or highlight my weaknesses. Sara’s realness & transparency helped me feel like I could be real & transparent too.

I felt safe to bring vulnerable places of my heart & life to light. I walked away from each interaction with more clarity & confidence, as well as feeling heard & understood. If you’re a busy Mama trying to figure out how to balance your own emotional & spiritual life, as well as your children’s & your business, I could not recommend coaching with Sara more!"

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-R. Wright

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our coaching packages

start at $997.

But you can get coached by us for just $97!

P.S... if you decide you want more coaching after this call, we will apply your $97 to your coaching package.

Let’s do this!


xo, Liz + Sara